★ What is this box?
The Spark-web headquarters contains a lot of tools, some of them man-made, some of them from outer space, but they're all used by our employees for whatever projects they need to do. If you'd like to borrow one of the toys in here, please fill out Form 13B and send it down to the Spark-web post office for approval. Afterwards, please use the toy in the alloted time and use it responsibly. Thank you!
★ Okay, but really?
It's basically where I put all the fun little pages and sites I don't think fits anywhere else. It's full of weird generators, webring ideas, random projects and more. Why does this exist? Well, in my opinion, the web is meant for magical and whimsical experiences, to make you feel like you can do anything with just a keyboard and your brain. Here's where I try to bottle that lightning. Enjoy!