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Who is KAY/O?
"KAY/O is a machine of war built for a single purpose: neutralizing radiants. His power to suppress enemy abilities cripples his opponents' capacity to fight back, securing him and his allies the ultimate edge."
- playvalorant.com
A description from me, though? KAY/O is a very handsome robot that I am very attracted to. He's my main in Valorant—I genuinely don't play anyone else but him but that'll probably change when Vyse releases. He's my (obviously) favorite character in the whole game and I'd kill and die at the same time for this cutie patootie.
My skills in Valorant (and KAY/O in extension)
In general
Map Knowledge
Economy Management
Obviously, the best KAY/O ship is KAY/O and me. Just kidding, though I definitely enjoy a good KAY/O x Reader fic and regularly ruminate about KAY/O x a Valorant OC...

In terms of canon ships, Boomerbot definitely wins by a landslide. KAY/O's biggest fear was literally seeing Brimstone dead again, and KAY/O will disregard his hatred for Reyna (who was a main leader in the side of the Radiants during the Radiant War, KAY/O's nemesis, and since she caused a large amount of destruction indirectly the cause of Brimstone's death) and compliment her... if Brimstone tells him to. That's... so gay. Also, they both have matching playercards and/or playercards with the other. That's not even mentioning the possibility of KAY/O being based on Tariq Porter, Brimstone's friend during his time in the army. THEY'RE MEANT TO BE!!!
Official Art That I Love