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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ Home of the Spark-web! ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Come and ride the Spark-train to Dreamland!
I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Welcome to the Spark-web!
Spark-web Introduction
Woah, you don't know what the Spark-web is? Don't worry, we're here to help!

The Spark-web is a new section of the worldwide web created and watched over by DARKO-SPARKO Systems. Its unique technology and interface allows users, known as Sparkpeople, to create webpages in their dreams! Ooooooo!

With over a gazillion users all over the cosmos (including aliens), it's the most popular piece of technology in the world! Come on in and enter the Spark-web, the internet of your dreams!!! (DARKO-SPARKO Pillow Terminal sold separately)
Info From Another World
25/08/2024 - Night and Radianite
Made a better loading screen, changed the index so that there's a day and night version, and made a KAY/O shrine.
15/08/2024 - WOOPS
I kinda... forgot to update this, because I spent so long making an entirely new index and menu page. They look really cool and I hope you think so too. Have fun!
17/07/2024 - From Early Life, To Slay, To Death
Added sounds to the nav and tab, worked on my About Me page 2.0, worked on the Emails (which I am still changing the look of), and added a WIP loading screen.
14/7/2024 - Back From Staycation
I'm back from a hotel staycation! I'm now in the hotel Neko Hotel webring, and I fixed a few links. Be excited for what I have in store! Additionally, started the About Me page.
09/07/2024 - Opening Maps and Closing Closets
The Spark-web now closes on Mondays! I was gone for a few days making Neko-Tag, a new grid map-based webring in Nekoweb! Feel free to join in the Toybox section, everyone!
04/07/2024 - Vanes and Boxes
Updated the sitebox and added a picture of the weather machine in the main theme. It's hard to see but the idea is neat.
07/03/2024 - It's Raining Tacos...
Added flavor text and weather to the main theme.
29/06/2024 - Lots of Updates
Worked on the Toybox page a bit, adding music and fixing the layout, created the Beyblade Generator page, and change the background of the main theme. I've been feeling pretty bad lately, and seeing all this progress done means a lot.
29/06/2024 - Webrings and Toys
Created the Tank Guardian Webring and started working on the Toybox page!
26/06/2024 - Shrines!!!
Deployed the new Shrines layout, improved this page, fixed the Facility theme, etc., etc.!
23/06/2024 - More Stuff
Added music, added another box, etc., etc.
18/06/2024 - Home Creation
The page was created!

© DARKO-SPARKO Systems - 2024-The End of Time

♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy.

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